Trunk or Treat and Hogtoberfest!

Just like September, October has been busy and full of fun opportunities for the Rays. The fall and holiday season always tend to be quite packed for us as there are so many community events to participate in.

When our friends from Low Country Therapy asked us to participate in their Trunk or Treat event we couldn’t wait to take part. The Rays loved preparing to hand out sunshine keychains and treats for the attendees.

The day of they donned their festive costumes and had a blast under our yellow tent, visiting with trick or treaters of all ages…even a few of the four legged variety!

Thank you Low Country Therapy for including us in such a fun evening!

Next up was another event we were SO excited to be included in, the first annual Hogtoberfest put on by the SERG restaurant group.

SERG, one of our local restaurant groups, has become a wonderful supporter of Pockets Full of Sunshine and our sweet Rays. We were so honored to be chosen by them as a recipient of the proceeds of this sure to be fun event, and couldn’t wait for the day of!

Not only did SERG want to support us financially, but they wanted to provide an opportunity for the Rays and include them in the event, inviting them to set up under our big yellow tent and show off some of their Fall wears to the attendees!

We all had a wonderful time eating delicious bar-b-que, listening to live music, sharing about Pockets Full of Sunshine and spending time with one another out in the community! Thank you to SERG and our dear friend Rob Jordan for this great opportunity.


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