A Halloween Softball Game with USCB

We always say, you never know how far the sunshine will spread, and time and time again we are amazed to see just how far it goes.

A few lovely members of the softball team from our local university volunteered at Fun in the Sun last month. They were wonderful helpers and had a great time getting to know the Rays. When they contacted us with the idea to host an inclusive softball game with the Rays, we couldn’t say yes fast enough!

The team decided to make the game Halloween themed to up the fun ante and celebrate the Holiday a day early! The Rays never miss a chance to dress up and they had an incredible time playing softball, sharing a picnic and hanging out with the team!

Watching the team members bond with our Rays was so wonderful. The USCB students also invited community members to come watch and hand out candy for the Rays, such fun! This event was a true picture of what Pockets Full of Sunshine is all about, community and unity!

Thank you USCB for such a beautiful day of togetherness!




Trunk or Treat and Hogtoberfest!