America’s Got Talent! And Sunshine!

Sometimes the stars align and the results are electric!

We got a phone call from one of our supporters a few weeks back with an exciting opportunity. Landau Eugene Murphy Jr, winner of season six of America’s Got Talent was headed to Beaufort, had a free day in his schedule and was offering to come play a show for Pockets Full of Sunshine!

Landau, who has a pretty incredible story of personal triumph, used to work with individuals with special needs and has always held a special place in his heart for them. He also has an incredibly generous spirit and makes it a point to ‘give back’ everywhere he goes whenever possible.

We jumped at the chance to spend time with Landau and our friends at Hilton Head Ballroom Dance Studio agreed to host the performance.

As soon as Landau took the stage, the room came alive and two of our Rays quickly joined him on the dance floor.

Followed by everyone else!

Landau’s talent was incredible, and his heart was even better. After his set he joined the Rays on the dance floor and grooved the night away!

Better still he took a true interest in the Rays, agreeing to come spend the next day with us in our production space!

The Rays loved teaching Landau how to screen print and making him his own PFS shirt….and of course there was lots more singing and dancing.

Thank you Landau for pouring into the Rays in so many meaningful ways! We are proud to call you a friend for life!


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