Special Friends Day 2019!

The Hilton Head Christian Academy staff and students have been kind enough to host annual “Special Friends Day” events and invite members of our local special needs community of all ages for the last several years. These events are always lots of fun, characterized by dancing, games and all around joy as connections and friendships are made.

This years event was a Spring Fling and was hosted by our dear friends and PFS Supporters, the HHCA Zonta Club!

The Spring Fling took place in the school gym and it was packed! There was music, games, a lot of dancing, basketball and even pizza!

Our Rays as well as the classrooms of special needs students who attended had an absolute blast! It is so wonderful to see inclusive events spearheaded by our community members and schools. Thank you HHCA and the Zonta Club! Your friendship is so appreciated!


8th Annual PFS Sporting Clays Shoot


Night to Shine 2019