Even More Eggs…with the Zonta Club!

Remember the 20,000 eggs the Rays are stuffing? Well we decided a party would help get us to the half way point…10,000 eggs!

Our goal was to have 10,000 eggs completed by Christmas and while the Rays were dutifully working through them, we were starting to crack just a little (please excuse the bad pun!).

Hilton Head Christian Academy Z Club to the rescue! We invited our Zonta Club friends to an egg stuffing party! The Z club brought toys for the eggs and helped our Rays knock out the final numbers to bump them to their 10,000 goal!

We hope to have a few more parties in the spring to complete this project in the most fun and inclusive way possible! Thank you Z Club for always being such wonderful supporters and eggcelent friends!


Remembering Hope and Introducing Mr. Dave!


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