A High Flying Time

One of the best parts of Pockets Full of Sunshine is all of the wonderful people we meet and all of the wonderful opportunities that arise because of them.

One of our incredible regular volunteers Dani found us this year and she has been such a blessing to Pockets and the Rays in so many ways!

Like many of our volunteers, Dani has a beautiful spirit and instantly connected with all of the Rays. She also has a very cool array of hobbies and interests and has introduced us to some exciting new opportunities!

Dani’s son invited us to come partake in a fly-in and rally at a local airport and we couldn’t wait to see what it was all about! Some of our Rays are especially interested in cars and airplanes so they were very excited to join in on the day.

We weren’t quite sure what to expect but the event was absolutely incredible! The Rays got to tour some very cool planes, hang in cockpits and behind steering wheels, enjoy lunch and watch take offs and landings galore!

Special thanks to Dani and Cameron for this amazing opportunity! We are grateful for friends like you!


Just Dance!


It’s Football Time in SC!