A Final Holiday Treat: The Very Best Bowling Party

Happy Holidays everyone! We got one final holiday treat this week and it was truly the most perfect way to celebrate the end of another bright year.

A bowling party for the Rays! Our adults all LOVE to bowl and two of our sweet families decided to treat the entire group to a year end holiday bowling party. This was so very kind and special as time having fun together is truly the greatest gift.

Once again 2021 has been difficult in so many new ways, but we also had so many silver linings and opportunities to be reminded of what it’s truly all about…community, togetherness and love. We worked hard all year to find our sunshine, despite a pandemic, and we certainly did just that!

We are beyond grateful for the smiling faces in these photos and the community they represent, the love, joy and value they bring one another and each of us.

The world is a better place because of the Rays Thank you to the Wells and Ciccantelli families who treated PFS to this fabulous holiday party!

Peace and Love to all of you in the New Year!


A Look Back At All That Was Bright In 2021!


A Holiday Lunch Filled with Sunshine